Monday 25 July 2011

Show Me Your Piston Creations!

I would be greatly interested to see what you fellow minecrafters have been making lately. i know since the big piston update, that minecraft is as complex as ever. and already ive seen automated tic tac toe machines, amazing hidden doors, traps, for those who are into watching innocent things gets killed in lava ;).

here is a link to a simply amazing. piston elevator. all credit goes to this guy who put ALOT of effort into this creation, so please give him some feed back and let him know you like it.

anyway, i would love to hear back from you, and what you have made, i can see that minecraft is only goign to get more complex for those who want it to be, and therefor more fun.!! comment below!!


  1. Hey! Im kind of new to the whole "advanced redstoning" thing but I made a dual 7 segment piston display with decoder! Heres the link!-

  2. Awesome job! Keep up the good work!

    For anyone reading. Make sure to follow this page if your interested in keeping up to date with TMA!
