Friday 29 July 2011



notch has released yesterday of a new mob!  he hasn't given away the new creature fully away, but he gave some spoilers on his blog, this beast is 3 meters tall!! yes that's right your going to be fighting 3 meter tall mobs. but that isn't all he gave away, he mentioned it will be dark, and have narrow limbs, this makes me straight away that notch has decided the best new mob is a 3 meter tall giraffe. but that's obviously not going to be the case if he wants to for fill the scary-ness  that he wants in the new mob.

its not going to be like any other mob we have come to know. this thing isn't  hostile until l the player puts his/her mouse over the beast. but that's not all. as soon as you place your mouse over the new mob. it will freeze. as soon as you move your mouse OFF the mob. it rampages towards you as high-speed. even teleporting if seen from a distance, this thing will have a teleport cool down of 1 second, so if you see one of these things. get somewhere safe.... FAST.

notch believes that the new mob must be extremely scary and creepy, to add that more powerful element of fear that we have all had experiences of with those damn creepers and spiders. this  mob reminds me of the game "amnesia" a little bit, as your aim is not to look at these beasts. and knowing how scared out of my jocks amnesia got me. i am a little anxious to see what he does with this 3 meter.... thing

hopefully this update isn't too far away! because i am getting a little keen!!

comment your thoughts! :)

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